API Reference


RelatedPersons typically have a personal or non-healthcare-specific professional relationship to the patient. A RelatedPerson resource is primarily used for attribution of information, since RelatedPersons are often a source of information about the patient. For keeping information about people for contact purposes for a patient, use a Patient's Contact element.

Each Related Person has next elements:

  • a flag indicating whether is in active use
  • a reference to patient

Each Related Person supports next elements:

  • relationship to a patient
  • a name
  • contact details
  • an address

Profile specific implementation guidance:

  • Supports caretakers as part of CareTeam USCDI requirements

This resource conforms to US Core Related Person Profile. RelatedPerson response will be provided in JSON (refers to Capability Statement) format as per FHIR standard R4 version.

Must support elements, mandatory and optional search parameters

RelatedPerson must support these elements:

  • active
  • patient
  • relationship
  • name
  • telecom
  • address

The syntax used to describe the interactions is described here.

The following search parameters and search parameter combinations SHALL be supported:

SHALL support fetching a RelatedPerson using the _id search parameter:
GET [base url]/RelatedPerson[id]

The following search parameter combinations SHOULD be supported (optional):

SHOULD support searching using the patient search parameter:
GET [base url]/RelatedPerson?patient={Type/}[id]

The response to any search operation is always a list of resources in a Bundle or an Operation Outcome.

Related Person By Id

Get RelatedPerson by ID.


[base url]/RelatedPerson/{id}


[base url]/Patient?_id={id}

[base url] - FHIR base url
{id} - Id for RelatedPerson resource


The Authorization token SHALL be obtained during Authentication and Authorization process. Go to Authentication and Authorization for further details.



200OKThe request was processed successfully
400Bad requestInvalid request parameters or FHIR operation outcome resource returned
401UnauthorizedThis code indicates that the client request has not been completed because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the requested resource
404no Route matched with those valuesThe request was able to communicate with a given server, but the server could not find what was requested
500Internal Server ErrorThe server has encountered a situation it doesn't know how to handle


curl --location --request GET 'https://sandbox.fhir.elationemr.com/fhir/RelatedPerson/c5137fa5-3216-b12a-cbbc-a0c6bef361g7' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer fe1cd986-1ac7-4c26-b8b3-d632a48408fd'

Related Person by patient

Get RelatedPerson by a specific patient


`GET [base url]/RelatedPerson?patient={Type/}[id]`

[base url] - FHIR base url
{Type/} - optional reference type. Example: Patient/
[id] - patient id


The Authorization token SHALL be obtained during Authentication and Authorization process. Authentication and Authorization for further details.



200OKThe request was processed successfully
400Bad requestInvalid request parameters or FHIR operation outcome resource returned
401UnauthorizedThis code indicates that the client request has not been completed because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the requested resource
404no Route matched with those valuesThe request was able to communicate with a given server, but the server could not find what was requested
500Internal Server ErrorThe server has encountered a situation it doesn't know how to handle


curl --location --request GET 'https://sandbox.fhir.elationemr.com/fhir/RelatedPerson=Patient/c5137fa5-3216-b12a-cbbc-a0c6bef361g7' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 1239b275-909e-4754-8f73-1e411fd6769e'